Release a mTap

Why mTap? easy management

You have a few mTap configured for your profile and you want to give one of mTap to your near and dear one? 
No problem, we have you covered. You may “release” the mTap and now it is as good as new. 

There is no App to download. 

Managing Your mTaps 

It just couldn’t be any easier to edit your mTap profile.

  1. Login to your mTap account.
  2. Select my mTaps
  3. Click on the pencil icon and either release it or rename it.

Networking Pro Tip

Are you struggling to make connections that generate results for your business? It may be time to change your approach.

What if you could give, give, give something of value to your connections? What if you could selflessly provide something of true value to your prospects with no direct connection to a benefit for you?

Simply add a “giving” link to your mTap profile. You’ll be surprised by just how much you get back by being a Go-Giver.

Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions about mTap.

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